Please order your copy via PayPal, by clicking on the desired link/option below. Your credit card information is secured within PayPal, and stays within PayPal.

In the interests of sustainability and of keeping costs low for learners, an updated ebook is available, and should be the preferred option for most.

Price for updated ebook access is C$ 61.95 plus C$ 8.05 HST = C$ 70.00. Access is provided for 12 months via DIGIFY, and the ebook is not downloadable or printable. You will not be auto renewed without your express written permission. Please click on the link below to order.


For Fall of 2024, in addition to the regular ebook, a limited number of the B/W pre-SIMUL8 update hard copy version of the course text is available for the special price of C$ 70.80 + C$ 9.20 = C$80.00. The only difference between this hard copy and the ebook  and the updated options are that the sections on SIMUL8 have been recently changed in the ebook due to a software update. The sections concerning SIMUL8 are slightly different in appearance, however the instructions and functionality are largely the same. Otherwise all the other chapters (the majority)  are the same. So basically for $10 you can get a hard copy text in addition to the ebook subscription. Price includes expedited shipping in Canada. Please click on the link below, or paste the URL into your browser to order.

An updated b/w printed version in Surlox bound manual style is available for C$ 150.44, (incl. expedited shipping in Canada) plus C$ 19.56 HST = C$170.00 Please click on link below, or paste the URL into your browser to order. updated B/W printed version in Surlox bound manual style, is available for C$ 150.44 (incl. expedited shipping in Canada), plus c$ 19.58 HST = C$ 170.00. Please click on the link below to order.

An updated color printed version in Surlox bound manual style is available for C$ 256.64, (incl. expedited shipping in Canada) plus C$ 33.36 HST = C$290.00.  Please click on link below, or paste the URL into your browser to order. Post expedited parcel is the default shipping option in Canada. Shipping is usually 2-4 days in the GTA, 7 days for Montreal and Winnipeg, and up to 10 days for East or West coasts. For faster shipping options please email me at

An automated receipt will be issued on payment. 

For other inquiries, such as shipping outside Canada please email me at for pricing.